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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Health Care or Increased Employment, Which One Will Obama Choose First?

According to the statements made in Liz Peek' s Obama and the Dems -- Doing a Job On the Economy And the Unemployed, Peek discusses the issues with having the new health care plan and also unemployment. Peek directs her arguments toward a more mature audience such as residents who are in their thirties and up. This would have to be so, due to the fact that most residents under the age of thirty would more than likely either still remain on their guardian' s health insurance or simply have a part time job. This opinion would not do so much for a audience who has not ventured out into the world completely, such as earning a masters degree or for that matter, worrying about health issuance. That age group would simply read Peek' s opinion and would probably "not care" about what it has to say on health care and unemployment. Now a hand full of that age group would take in interest in the matter but could only bass their opinion on the subject and not have such a heavily impact on the subject as more experienced person could do. Now the more experienced audience would have a greater impact because more than likely they would have a degree or even a full time job. This age group would want better employment rates and better health care insurance.

Additionally with Peek' s argument, Americans would not desire for the government to continue to renew the health care plan again and again. "Americans want them to focus on creating jobs", which would help the employment rate that continues to decrease over time. Also including the stock market which was said to have decreased by one thousand points in only a nanosecond according to Congress just a few weeks ago. Now having good health care for all Americans who can not afford it would benefit them, but while having an increase in the unemployment rate would only put Americans in another bad position which would not help the economy. Peek also states that "Americans are not stupid" and the bill in which Obama is trying to pass does not necessarily help Americans. Now the entire bill is not a waste of time because of the elements in which are tightening capital requirements and changing the manner in which derivatives are traded. Peek' s arguments states that the health care plan may be beneficial but the fact that the government is insisting that health care be taken care of before unemployment is not such a smart choice to do. Peek takes a majority of her examples from European polls, Congress, and of course facts that are listed by the Democrats on this matter.

Overall, I would have to agree with the all of the facts that Peek mentions in her opinion/blog. This would have to be so because her article is not hard to read nor to understand. It makes valid points that anyone would have knowledge of and what would be the down fall if something were to happen. Even though I don't necessarily take so much of an interest in health care due to the fact I still remain on my parent' s plan, I still can understand that health care is an important. With Americans becoming upset at Obama' s foreign health care plan, this only increases the factor that people believe Obama should help his home country before helping others. Also that unemployment is another important factor that should be taken care of. With teachers being laid off at near by schools, it is pretty obvious that teachers being laid off would reflect on the unemployment rate. I don't necessarily believe that reading Peek' s opinion changed my own opinion. I feel as though I have gained more knowledge of the matter instead of saying " I don't like this", now I have background information that can help support my opinion. Additionally to Peek 's argument, I now have knowledge on how Congress takes certain bills into account. Politically speaking, it has somewhat helped me understand both the Democrats and Republicans and on how each side would work. It lists the changes that Democrats and Republicans have made. The government needs trust in order to work, in order to perform well. A majority of the say of the matter would have to be that Americans need to speak up rather than sit in silence because when it comes to the government silence is not acceptable if you desire to be heard.