According to my fellow colleague Lorenzo Salazar, Salazar discusses in his blog Legalizing Pot, Really?, about how the state of California wishes to legalize marijuana use. Along side with his blog comes the article AP-CNBC Poll: Most in US against legalizing pot, in which he had based his article on. Salazar discusses in his blog on how Proposition 19 still continues to receive more votes for legalizing marijuana in the state of California. Not only that, but by legalizing marijuana use in California would also lead to many other states desiring to do the same. While many may disagree with legalizing marijuana, their are still many people who wish to legalize it. People who wish for marijuana to be legalized tend to be younger than the age of thirty, which would mean that they are either college students or high school students. The people in which tend to vote against marijuana use are older than thirty and have some form of degree. So it is pretty obvious to conclude that people of a more mature age can understand by legalizing marijuana would be foolish.
Although, It has been proven that in 1996 that the usage of marijuana is beneficial for medical needs, people tend to think that marijuana should be legalized for everyone. The idea of legalizing marijuana makes no sense what so ever. If it is for medical use, it is fine because it is for a medical need, not simply for pleasure. If marijuana was passed to be legal, then what sense would it make to tell kids in school to stay away from drugs? Or in that matter, listen to what any of their authorities has to say? By legalizing marijuana Salazar states that it would be utter chaos for both political and local authorities. Law enforcement would become very difficult to manage because of marijuana usage among teens. Many Adults who are passed the age of thirty do not care to take drugs to solve their. But teens who are "experimenting" with life would not care if a drug could kill them, because they are simply doing it for fun.
Overall, I would have to agree with Salazar' s statement that legalizing marijuana would lead to utter chaos and destruction to the country. In no way would legalizing marijuana would help the economy, instead it would destroy it from possible theft. When a person is not in their right state of mind, they tend to think anything belongs to them. Even if they were to be arrested, they would simply go to court and say that they were high, so they should be set free. So the people in California not only need to think about themselves, but also how this would affect the country as a whole. Not simply for pleasure, but for the destruction it would bring.